Content Fatigue

Personal Blog
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2020


There is so much content that I want to ingest, which causes me a, let’s call it this way, “content fatigue.” Usually, I start too many learning funnels and end up focusing just on 1, which is still good, I guess, but it also causes a bit of brain exhaustion.

Problems I encounter lately:

  • I find an interesting article, and I save it to Pocket, but I forget to get back to it.
  • I start a long podcast, 2–3h long, which I can’t finish it right away, so I postpone it for later. When I decide to watch it, I need to get a little bit back to follow the open idea as I usually stop it when the protagonists are in the middle. I like the youtube feature where authors break the video into topics, and you can hover over and see what the main idea that is being discussed is.
  • I follow lots of podcasts and try to be up to date on listening to them, there are usually 20m to 1h max in length, and I usually listen to them 1.5x-1.8x speed, depends on the speaker’s voice flow.
  • I start an audiobook, which mostly I listen to when I do a long workout; when I try to take notes, it’s insane. I’m using audible, and they do have a “clip” option where you can set some notes, but I still feel like it’s a pain to do that, mostly when I’m running as I need to defocus and pay attention to the phone.
  • When I start a book, the main problem is with keeping a daily dose of reading. Taking notes from books got easier by using
  • The daily dose of MEMEs, which I usually get from Instagram, Facebook, or friends, gets a little bit weird as I don’t find the right ones; maybe I need more MEMEs friends.

I am in a continuous search for small communities where ideas float and get discussed in a productive way. I tried to keep up with Twitter, but sometimes it gets too insane into replies as lots of useless comments are being added. And let’s not talk about Facebook groups, which usually get way out of their main purpose. I tried Reddit, but it’s very exhausting to find useful posts to engage in. Hackernews is ok also, but it’s a little bit too niche for what I am searching for.

I’m willing to pay for a good community that thrives around ideas being discussed and not mocked; I want to emphasize that I am not against a good joke but on the right topic, of course, or when it’s well placed into the discussion.

Any ideas?

Maybe I should start such a community?



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