Personal Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2020


CRISPR is might prove a tool to fight COVID-

Credit : Zhang lab, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Everyone is waiting for the vaccine to be created and widely distributed but of course that can take months->years but economy can’t hold a full lockdown for that much time so the other possibility to combat the spread and restart the economy is the strategy of test-trace-isolate: test massively, trace the spread and isolate the individuals infected.

The problem with testing right now is that it’s too expensive in terms of resources. To detect an early COVID-19 infection you need to do a PCR test that is done in a laboratory…

The other way of testing is the anti-bodies testing but that means you were already infected for a while and your body responded to the virus with anti-bodies… Not efficient to stop the spread because from the moment when you got infected and the anti-bodies appeared takes days/weeks…

We need a very fast-at-home test kit that anyone can do it.

Pregnancy tests: you can do a pregnancy test at home and if it’s positive then you go to the doctor.

This is the concept of the new FDA-approved COVID-19 CRISPR test.

It uses a technic called SHERLOCK which basically detects nucleic acid in a sample. In simple terms, it can detect viral ARN inside a sample very fast.

This is a huge “marketing” impact for CRISPR used as a diagnosing tool.

Listen to this a16z podcast to gain more insights.



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